Home Turnout: General Methods

Increase Voter Turnout with Online Voting

  • Effectively motivate voters to cast their vote online
  • Increase turnout significantly with our practical tips
  • Strengthen voter participation and interest in your organisation

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Easy online voting

Facilitate the voting process and use online voting to offer your electorate a convenient election experience. It only takes a few clicks and is done in minutes.

More about easy online vote casting

Worldwide voting

Reach your voters anywhere on the planet: it doesn't matter if they are on a nature expedition, a semester abroad or on the couch. Online voting a global audience. 

More about worldwide online voting

Effectively attract voters

Even small changes in your approach can increase voter turnout. To increase your voter turnout, you should refer to the electorate as "voters" and address them directly.

More about using effective language

Address voters personally

Increase voter turnout by dividing the electorate into groups according to their behavior and address them separately. A personalized approach can make all the difference. 

More about using personalized language

Create a sense of belonging

Give voters a feeling of belonging. Messages such as "everyone votes" trigger the feeling of wanting to take part and make change happen thereby increasing turnout.

More about creating a sense of belonging

Thank your voters

Say thank you for participating in the last election and emphasize that this election is an opportunity to help shape decision making within your organization.

More about thanking your voters

Create an election website

With an election-specific microsite you'll give the election more attention than you could ever do with your general website. By doing so you are providing a central platform for the entire election campaign.

More about election micro-websites

Create election polls

Conducting a small survey among in the middle of the election period will remind those who have not voted to do so.  A poll sent directly to this group can increase turnout significantly. 

More about polls

Use campaign ambassadors

A message of encouragement to participate in the election from influential people is very effective. Well-connected people can motivate others to vote thereby increasing voter turnout.

More about campaign ambassadors

Optimize your electoral roll

By optimizing your voter registration list you can reach out to more voters. Doing so allows non-registered voters and those who otherwise don't vote to be involved in the election.

More about optimizing your electoral roll

Activate young voters

They shop online, communicate digitally and share their experiences on the internet. Online voting is therefore particularly suitable to activate young people.

More about activating digital natives

Send voting reminders

Voter turnout increases when voters receive a reminder about the election. With an online election you can reach your electorate in a simple and convenient way.

More about sending voting reminders